Monday 16 September 2013

VCOP games on the carpet!

Each day we start our morning with either VCOP games or our 'Talk for Writing' story. Today we played some VCOP games and were learning to use the opener 'sometimes' to start a sentence, whilst still trying to remember to use adjectives (WOW words) and connectives and of course punctuation. We did a fantastic job and came up with some very interesting sentences. Here are just a few....


  1. Hello Year two. You have written some excellent sentences. I like how you have started with 'Sometimes'. In Australia we write using NSW Foundation Style. It is interesting to see your writing. We don't do flicks on our letters until Year 3 and we aren't allowed to do loops on y's or g's. You have very neat writing. We alaso have whiteboards like you and love using them for our daily 5 activities.

    Do you do Daily 5?
    What are VCOP games?

  2. Great writing Year Two, I loved the adjectives that you have used! My Mum is cuddly and snuggly too! I'm going to get the Badgers to start some sentences with 'sometimes'. I'm also really impressed with the different connectives you have used; because, but and also - fantastic!
    Can I ask what football teams you support? I'm a big Arsenal fan (I've got a special sign in Badger Class), do you all support Leeds United?

  3. Badgers made their own sentences starting with Sometimes...
    Mia: Sometimes I make mistakes but I learn from them.
    Arjun: Sometimes I go to martial arts on a Wednesday because I enjoy it!
    Catherine: Sometimes when it rains it makes me annoyed.

    Thanks for the great idea Year Two!
