Sunday 8 September 2013

Our First Big Write Session!

On Friday morning we did our first Big Write session of the year. 'Big Write' is a lesson that happens every Friday morning after playtime, it is one of the only times in the week we expect the classroom to be silent and peaceful, with a calm and relaxing atmosphere, we light the tea lights on each table (battery!), spray our 'Big Write room fragrance', play classical music and all enjoy a piece of carefully thought out writing around our Big Talk theme for the week.

You all did so well this Friday I was very proud and you should be very proud of yourselves!!

Here we are in action....


  1. WE had lots of fun doing big write on Friday!

  2. We have enjoyd it in year 2

  3. big write was fun i did full page of writting. i wrote all about my firs day back

  4. i engoid my first big write because i like the petend candles

  5. Wow year 2 I am so impressed with your concentration. You all look so grown up. I used to love reading your big write you are all such fantastic writers.

  6. Nice pictures Miss Morris is next big write going to be the same as last week?
