Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Clocktower - Arenyth

This week in literacy we are watching this piece of visual literacy and basing our learning around it.

We are thinking about how the girl became a character who has to keep the cogs turning, has she done something wrong? Has she been captured?

We have been describing the village thinking about what the houses are made of, who or what might live in them, what kind of things do they do for fun in a village like this?

We have also been comparing the bright light scene in the story to the grey scene and talking about the differences in how it makes us feel.
You can watch the story below! Let us know what you think!


  1. I love the girls dress. Do you like the dress?

  2. I love to play sharks and manms. Do you like too?

  3. That was a lovely story. why did the village there black +
    and white.

  4. What type of dress is it?

    By Nicholas
