Tuesday 25 February 2014

The Black Hat - Maia Walczak

This week in literacy we are watching the story of 'The Black Hat' by Maia Walczak. We are then having a debate as to whether animals should be kept in cages, and if there is an appropriate time etc. We have made our own cage in class so we can sit inside and see what it might feel like! Look our for the pics later in the week! We are also doing some drama to act out the story and imagining we have found our own black hat. We are having lots of fun! Photos later in the week!


  1. What a lovely story with some excellent language. the music made it rather scary!!!!!!

    Mr PB

  2. I really enjoyed the story but I don't like animals in cages.

  3. I really liked the video but if I was the boy I would not go for a walk in the creepy dark forest
