Thursday 17 October 2013

Black History Month!!

This week in topic we have been celebrating 'Black History Month'. We have been learning about the importance of various famous black people in history, and then we listened to Martin Luther King's speech and wrote our own 'I have a dream...' speeches, before making them into a flap open card, with different skin coloured hand prints on the front. We did some artwork inspired by Stephen Njenga an African artist using pastels and very fine sandpaper ...have a look at the photos I'm sure you'll agree it's very effective and abstract!! I have really enjoyed this week I hope you all have too!!!


  1. Hello Y2. It looks like you have had a great time this week learning about Black History Month. You are so lucky having Mrs Coomber in your class to teach you such wonderful art. I would like you to read your speeches to FS2. Do you think that would be ok next week, Miss Morris?
    FS2 will also be taking part in an activity to help them begin to understand Black History Month.

    Mrs Warner

  2. That sounds a lovely idea Mrs Warner, I think the children would really enjoy reading their speeches to your children
