Thursday, 22 May 2014

A Fun Maths Morning

Yesterday we had a fun Maths morning in Year 2. We could choose which of the fun Maths activities we wanted to do.

We enjoyed the Tangram's - we had fit the shapes into to outline to make a picture but we were not allowed to overlap the shapes or leave any blank spaces.

We made large symmetrical pictures - Using a large shape outline we made smaller shapes to put inside it but we had to make sure we made 2! One for each side of the picture, to make it symmetrical. Some people made a specific picture and others made a symmetrical design.

We programmed Beebot - We worked in pairs to instruct each other and program Beebot accurately so he stopped at a specific place on the grid, where we wanted him to.

We learnt about tessellating shapes - We tried to make a design using a shape repeatedly to make a pattern but had to make sure there was no gaps.

Have a look at our photos.

Which activity did you enjoy the most Year 2?

Friday, 2 May 2014

Nocturnal Art Using Pastels

As part of our night time topic this half term we have been creating some nocturnal artwork using pastels and black sugar paper. Your techniques and detail is fantastic and we created some wonderful art work! 


Investigating 100

We have another new challenge in our classroom called 'Investigating 100'. It is an open investigation where we an experiment and explore different ways of making 100 with a range of mathematical equipment. What different ways can you make 100 at home? Add your comments to let us know!