Friday, 28 February 2014

Big Write Star of the Week - Friday 28th February

Emily has improved so much during her time in year 2. She is including lots of interesting description and connectives in her writing and she has been making extra effort to get all her letters the right way round. Well done Emily keep it up!

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Gymnastics in Year 2

During the last half term (Spring 1) we have been developing our Gymnastic skills in PE. We have moved from previously doing Gymnastics just using the mats on the floor, to developing our Gymnastics by transferring those skills onto apparatus.

Have a look at a slide show of photographs showing some of our work.
Gymnastics in Year 2 on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Games From Around The World... French Skipping!

 Today we were really lucky to have a visitor in school who taught each class a short lesson about games around the world. We learnt different tactics and games involved in French Skipping and it was so much fun!! Even the teachers had a good go! Can you remember the rhyme? Grandma put your sweatshirt on inside outside! 
Here we are enjoying ourselves... 


The Black Hat - Maia Walczak

This week in literacy we are watching the story of 'The Black Hat' by Maia Walczak. We are then having a debate as to whether animals should be kept in cages, and if there is an appropriate time etc. We have made our own cage in class so we can sit inside and see what it might feel like! Look our for the pics later in the week! We are also doing some drama to act out the story and imagining we have found our own black hat. We are having lots of fun! Photos later in the week!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Internet Safety Week

Last week in year 2 we were thinking about how we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet and what we need to remember. There were lots of ideas and lots of thought provoking situations to think about... I hope you will use the things you learnt to help you make important sensible choices when using the internet.

You can explore the 'thinkuknow' website again by clicking HERE Can you teach your adults how to stay safe on the internet too?

Monday, 10 February 2014

Safer Internet Day

Tomorrow we are spending the whole day learning about how to keep safe when using the internet because it is 'Safer Internet Day 2014'.

The slogan this year is 'Let's create a better Internet together'
You can explore a fun website with videos, games and information here... Safer Internet
Another fun website we will be looking at in class is here... ThinkUKnow

Year 2's new IPad and Tablet

We are very lucky in year 2 to now have an IPad and tablet in class to use to support our learning. This week we have safer internet apps available to support our learning about 'Safer Internet Day' tomorrow!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Visual Literacy - The Silent Red Book - Maia Walczak

Next week in literacy, we are going to be watching 'The Silent Red Book' by Maia Walczak and comparing it to the text we watched last week, The Silent Blue Book. When you watch it, think about the characters, describe them, where do we think they have come from? What happens when they meet?

What is similar to 'The Silent Blue Book', what links can you make? How does the story make you feel as you watch it? Can you add what you think the characters might be saying and thinking?

(Click on the picture and then scroll down to find 'The Silent Red Book' piece.)

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Learning Logs - Pirate Facts!

We have been learning all about pirates during this half term and we are nearly finished with the topic now ... so I asked you to summarise everything you know about pirates in your learning logs! I was so amazed by all the interesting facts you found and all the famous pirates you researched!! Great work year 2!

Friday, 7 February 2014

DT - Making Our Treasure Chest Trailer

In topic this week we have been making our own movable treasure chest trailers to carry our pirate treasure chest. We had to think how we would fix the parts together and make sure it moved and wouldn't break or collapse. Here we are... we are going to test and evaluate them next week!


Big Write Star of the Week

Freya has improved her handwriting so much, it is neat, small and tidy. She also used a range of VCOP in her story, remembered speech marks and chose some exciting words to brig her writing to life. Well done Freya!

Monday, 3 February 2014

I'm improvin' It - VCOP Challenge Display

Year 2 have  a new interactive challenge display to help them up level and improve their vocab in their sentences. Look out for pictures of us using it over the next few weeks!!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

'The Silent Blue Book' Maia Walczak

Next week in literacy we are basing our learning around this piece of visual literacy, 'The Silent Blue Book' by Maia Walczak. See what you think of the story and generate some thought and ideas ready.... enjoy!!

Visual Literacy - 'Bubbles'

In literacy last week we based some of our learning around the short animation 'Bubbles' by Gabriela Zapata. We watched the piece and then blew our own bubbles, imagining they could take us anywhere. They led us to some very exciting and interesting pieces of writing!!


Big Write Star of the Week - 31st January 2014

Jake has really made a huge effort to improve his handwriting this past week pr so, he has moved his writing up a level by using new connectives and openers and improving his description! Keep it up Jake!