Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Our New Maths Challenge

We have a new maths challenge in class today where we have to solve the number problem and then unlock the padlock with the correct answer key.... We have to use our partitioning skills and our understanding of hundreds tens and units.

Big Write Star of the Week

Kacey produced a fantastic story with a wonderful imagination. She always has a clear sequence of events, uses all her VCOP skills and includes a wide range of high level punctuation. She also has fantastic handwriting!

Monday, 27 January 2014

PSHE - Circle Time 'Push Up' Web!

Today in our PSHE lesson we had a circle time session as a class. We began by singing our circle time song and passing around a friendly hug, before making our 'Push Up' web. In class our target is to give each other a 'Push Up through the day.

A 'Push Up' is where you say something kind to somebody else to lift them up through out the day... for example, Ben told Edward 'When you were writing on the independent table your writing was really neat!'. Shannon told Maddison 'You look really nice today especially with your pretty headband'.

All these things can make other peoples days better and lift their spirits. Our 'Push Up' web was made by one person starting with the ball of string and rolling the string to another person while giving them a push up. This person then holds the piece of string and then rolls it to another person and gives them a push up. This ball of string goes round the whole class until everybody is holding a piece of string and we are all tied together with the web!

We enjoyed giving each other push ups and it made each of us smile!! Can you give someone at home a push up too? Here are the pics...

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Visual Literacy - Bubbles by Gabriela Zapata

Next week in literacy we are going to be watching this piece of visual literacy called 'Bubbles' by Gabriela Zapata. Well will look at the story and then have some real bubbles in our classroom that we will imagine we can float away on. You can watch the story here and think of some ideas ready for our lessons!!


Learning Logs - Setting Sail on a Galleon

Our last learning log was to use your imagination and VCOP skills to imagine you were setting sail on a pirate ship, where would you go and what would happen? There were so many interesting and exciting ideas, I really enjoyed looking at them all!! Here they are!!!

Big Write Star 24th January 2014

Rose D
Rose never fails to produce a fantastic piece of writing, she is really trying to get her level 3 VCOP words and punctuation into each piece, her handwriting is always beautiful and she has a great imagination.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Tu B'shevat

In topic this week we have been learning about Tu B'shevat as part of our R.E work on the Jewish religion. Tu B'shevat is a celebration of the new year for trees and we planted our own trees, tasted the fruit of the trees and wrote our own wishes for the trees in Israel.

Here are a few photos of us learning all about the celebration.
You can explore this website that tells you more about Tu B'shevat and other Jewish traditions and celebrations... click HERE

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Using Purple Mash To Record Data

This week in maths we are using Purple Mash to explore data and look at different ways of recording data in various graphs and charts. We are then analysing the graphs and discussing what the graph shows us.

You can log onto Purple Mash and have a go at making your own graphs by clicking below and finding '2graph'...

Friday, 17 January 2014


This week in maths we have been learning about co-ordinates and making our own pirate treasure maps using co-ordinates to add features and making a key. We have all done really well and understood the concept to a high level....the dinosaur dig game we played is below, just click on the picture to take you to the game!!
There are lots of other co-ordinate games you can choose from by clicking HERE
Here we are in maths this week...

100% Attenders!!

A massive congratulations to our 100% attenders from term one of this school year!! We had 12 in year 2 altogether and I am so proud of every one of you!! Keep coming to school every day!!!!

Big Write Star of the Week 17th January 2014

Shannon won the Big Write star this week because she has improved so much over the past few weeks. She had lots of super description and she remembered to put finger spaces in her writing! Well done Shannon!!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Friction and our science experiment!

This week in science we have been conducting a science experiment to explore the effect of friction and how different surfaces can effect the distance a car travels. We made predictions and tested the various surfaces ensuring we kept it a fair test..... here are some photos of the scientists in action!

To play the game we played on the IWB to explore friction click HERE 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Maths - Sorting!

This week in maths we are sorting in various ways using a range of criteria! I have really enjoyed seeing you sort all teh shapes independently using your own criteria and you have come up with some interesting ways! We have been looking at Carroll and Venn diagrams this week so far, have a look at the photos below and see if you can work out the criteria each pair used to sort!

You can play a game to practise your sorting skills here...
Click HERE

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

Hi everyone, Happy New Year, I hope you all have had a fantastic 2 weeks off and I'm excited about getting back and seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about what you have been up to!
During the next half term we are going to be focusing our learning around our new topic 'Pirates'. It will be lots of fun and there are lots of exciting things we can learn about! Next week we will be writing pirate profiles, sorting treasure using various mathematical sorting diagrams and in topic we are conducting a science experiment looking at reactions in water... Lots of fun!!
Click on the pirate below to explore an exciting website all about pirates...
Have fun!! Aye Aye Captain!!!!