Tuesday, 1 July 2014

'Tour De France' Afternoon

Today in school we had a special assembly all about the Tour De France and we were excited about the fact starts in our city on Saturday!!! We then had a themed afternoon in class, we tasted lots of French food, designed out own jerseys and bikes and we did an experiment to see if we could make an effective helmet to protect your head while cycling, using hard boiled eggs as a head! Did you manage to stop the egg from cracking???

Here are some pictures....

Let me know all about what you get up to for the Tour De France this's weekend!!! 

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

'The Ugly Sharkling'

This week in our literacy we have been watching the story of 'The Ugly Sharkling' by Maia Walczak and discussing the characters int he story and thinking about if we had an animal as a best friend, like Phil and Harry, which animal would we have and why?

You can watch the story here....
Next week we are going to be writing a playscript using the characters from the story too!!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

A Fun Maths Morning

Yesterday we had a fun Maths morning in Year 2. We could choose which of the fun Maths activities we wanted to do.

We enjoyed the Tangram's - we had fit the shapes into to outline to make a picture but we were not allowed to overlap the shapes or leave any blank spaces.

We made large symmetrical pictures - Using a large shape outline we made smaller shapes to put inside it but we had to make sure we made 2! One for each side of the picture, to make it symmetrical. Some people made a specific picture and others made a symmetrical design.

We programmed Beebot - We worked in pairs to instruct each other and program Beebot accurately so he stopped at a specific place on the grid, where we wanted him to.

We learnt about tessellating shapes - We tried to make a design using a shape repeatedly to make a pattern but had to make sure there was no gaps.

Have a look at our photos.

Which activity did you enjoy the most Year 2?

Friday, 2 May 2014

Nocturnal Art Using Pastels

As part of our night time topic this half term we have been creating some nocturnal artwork using pastels and black sugar paper. Your techniques and detail is fantastic and we created some wonderful art work! 


Investigating 100

We have another new challenge in our classroom called 'Investigating 100'. It is an open investigation where we an experiment and explore different ways of making 100 with a range of mathematical equipment. What different ways can you make 100 at home? Add your comments to let us know! 


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Leeds United Football Coach

Today we had the first session of our Leeds United football coach training, we all really enjoyed it and were learning all about the skill of dribbling. I was really proud of how quickly you all got on with the tasks and how dedicated and sensible you all were! Here we are in action...

Maths Challenge - Solve The Number Problems

We have a new maths challenge in class this week to solve the number problems, there are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems, and we have to solve the problem and join the question to the answer with a rubber band!


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

3D Shape Video

Today in Year 2 we were consolidating some of our previous learning on shape and measurement. 

We watched a video about 3D shapes. The video is made by children and they made it to help themselves remember the properties of some 3D shapes. 

We liked it so much in Year 2 that we wanted to put it on the blog so we can watch it whenever we want, at home. Try to sing along to the catchy tune and hopefully it will help you remember the properties of the 3D shapes too.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Welcome Back!! Nocturnal Animals.....

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter and have eaten lots of yummy eggs!! I am looking forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday and hearing about what you have been up to!!

Next half term we are going to be focusing on 'Night Time' with a specific focus on nocturnal animals
We will be finding out about which animals are nocturnal, how they see hear and explore when it is dark, their habitats and our literacy will be focused around non-fiction this half term and writing a piece of non-fiction about night time.

There are some interesting websites here to start you off...
If you find any others write them down and bring them in!! See you all on Wednesday!!!!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Last week we were learning about different Easter celebrations and traditions around the world. We focused on 2 main traditions...the Greek Orthodox way of celebrating Easter and the traditional art of Pysanky egg design from Ukraine.

You can watch the video about the Greek celebration by clicking on the red eggs below!!

We have also been decorating eggs using the Ukraine traditional art of Pysanky. You can use this game to decorate your egg.... stamp on your design in wax (You wont see it at first) Then choose what colour wax you want in the glass.... and then use the hand to pick up the egg and dip it in the glass of ink! See what lovely colourful and interesting designs you can make.
Click on the Pysanky eggs below to take you to the game!
Have fun and enjoy your Easter holidays!!!! Don't eat too many eggs!!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Fantasia - The Sorcerers Apprentice

This week in literacy we are using this scene from Disney movie Fantasia to describe and discuss. We are imagining we are the sorcerer and thinking about what magic we would do! You can watch it here....

Learning Logs Book Week!!!

I was so impressed when I looked at you learning logs this time, it was great to read all about your favourite books, following on from world book week! 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Our Classopoly Attendance Treat.. milkshakes with Mrs Winstanley!,

Yum yum, we enjoyed ourselves on Friday afternoon when we received our treat for our super attendance last week.... Thank you Mrs Winstanley!


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Fun Maths Investigation Morning!

Today we had our termly fun maths morning where we swap classes and all have a go at some fun practical and hands on maths investigations. This time year 2 and year 3 mixed together and there were lots of fun activities happening. We had board games to make, dice to make, suduko puzzles, shape puzzles, tangrams as well as a problem to solve on the whiteboard and Ipad!

All the children worked so well together and it was lovely seeing everybody helping each other and working as a team.

Here we are enjoying our maths!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Classopoly Attendance Treat - Go To Jail!!!!

Last week our class attendance was above 97% so we rolled on the Classopoly board and we landed on 'Go to jail'... So today off we went for our jail treat with Miss Stephens!! Even though we were in jail we had lots of fun and there were lots of laughs!! 



The Clocktower - Arenyth

This week in literacy we are watching this piece of visual literacy and basing our learning around it.

We are thinking about how the girl became a character who has to keep the cogs turning, has she done something wrong? Has she been captured?

We have been describing the village thinking about what the houses are made of, who or what might live in them, what kind of things do they do for fun in a village like this?

We have also been comparing the bright light scene in the story to the grey scene and talking about the differences in how it makes us feel.
You can watch the story below! Let us know what you think!

Friday, 7 March 2014

World Book Day... Roger Hargreaves

This year for World Book Day year 2 had the famous author Roger Hargreaves as their theme... We came to school making so much effort with fantastic costumes! Can you tell which character we all were?
We enjoyed some quiet reading time, reading of course many of the famous Mr Men and Little Miss books...
We then looked closely at the story of 'Mr Nodody'. We talked about why he might have felt like a MR Nobody and times when we may have felt this way. We also talked about how we could make him feel like a somebody again and linked our work into our PHSE. To finish we discussed what colour we would like to become if we were a Mr Nobody and why we would want to be that colour... Here are some ideas we came up within the carpet on our whiteboards....