Sunday, 29 September 2013

Big Write Star of the Week - Friday 27th September

 Jacob G
Jacob wrote a very interesting story using his imagination. I was impressed with how he used all the correct punctuation including an ellipse, he used WOW words and connectives and also included our new 'ly' words. Fantastic Jacob!!!!!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Tuesday - by David Wiesner

This week in literacy we are going to be using a piece of visual literacy called 'Tuesday' by author David Wiesner. This story is a picture book with lots of opportunities for super description and imaginative ideas.

We will be: developing description, thinking of questions to ask the characters, having a go at some hot seating, making our own versions of the story with an animal of our choice to replace the frogs and thinking about the characters speech.

You can watch the story here and start thinking about your own ideas!! Please leave a comment to let me know your initial ideas and opinions!! What happens every Tuesday evening around 8 O' Clock?

Big Write Star of the Week - Friday 20th September 2013

Issy produced a fantastic piece of imaginative writing to describe a scene. She remembered to include lots of adjectives, connectives and I was very proud of how she used some 'ly' openers 'Amazingly' and 'Suddenly'. Well done Issy!!   

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Fire of London Artwork!

These past 2 weeks we have been experimenting with various techniques and mediums to produce a range of artwork inspired by the Great Fire of London. We used the following techniques...

Watercolour paints
Pastels and charcoal
Watercolour pencils

Here are the budding artists in action....

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Maths This Week - Partitioning, Greater Than and Less Than and Timestable Hunts!

We are very busy this week in our maths lessons, learning new things and also practising things we learnt last week! We have been learning how to partition numbers into tens and units and beginning to understand place value. We are also learning how to use the 'Greater Than' and 'Less Than' symbol correctly, as well as one group going around the hall on times table hunt with Miss Coomber!! 
We are all going to be super mathematicians!! Here we are enjoying the activities...

Here is one game we had on the IWB today to help us with partitioning.... Click HERE
This is the penguin place value game we were playing too... Click HERE
There is a little game you can play to practise your greater than and less than symbol... Click HERE

Monday, 16 September 2013

VCOP games on the carpet!

Each day we start our morning with either VCOP games or our 'Talk for Writing' story. Today we played some VCOP games and were learning to use the opener 'sometimes' to start a sentence, whilst still trying to remember to use adjectives (WOW words) and connectives and of course punctuation. We did a fantastic job and came up with some very interesting sentences. Here are just a few....

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Hello Quadblogging Buddies!!!

animated hello photo: Hello halo02.gif
Hello to our friends around the country and the world who will be focusing on looking at our blog this week!! We hope you enjoy it and see lots of interesting things we are doing!!!!

Big Write Star of the Week Friday 13th September

Well done Rose, your Big Write from the first week back was a wonderful piece, full of super VCOP and your handwriting was beautiful! Keep it up!!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The Great Fire Of London!!

This week we have started our topic all about the Great Fire Of London!
What can you see in this picture?

There is a super website with a fantastic game you can play and a story too if you click HERE
This website also tells you some interesting information HERE

Monday, 9 September 2013

Our Class Snails - Fizz and Wurly!

We were all very excited to get our class snails out and say hello!! I wonder if they remembered us from when we were in FS2??!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Our First Big Write Session!

On Friday morning we did our first Big Write session of the year. 'Big Write' is a lesson that happens every Friday morning after playtime, it is one of the only times in the week we expect the classroom to be silent and peaceful, with a calm and relaxing atmosphere, we light the tea lights on each table (battery!), spray our 'Big Write room fragrance', play classical music and all enjoy a piece of carefully thought out writing around our Big Talk theme for the week.

You all did so well this Friday I was very proud and you should be very proud of yourselves!!

Here we are in action....

Maths Games!

Hi everyone here are the maths games we have been using over the last week....

You can play the spinners game at home by trying different amounts of spinners and also varying the total on the spinner counter.

Here is the 'Power Line' game we were also using, make sure each power line adds up to the required total...
Have fun and let me know how you get on by posting a comment!

Monday, 2 September 2013

First Day Back!!

It was lovely to see you all again today and we did so much!!! You were all superstars and earned lots of Dojo points and 2 milkshake straws towards our milkshake party already!!!! Here we are getting to know our new classroom...

Finding words on our Boggle board.

Exploring the sand

Super writing!!

Hard thinking!

In the areas...